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This advertisement appeared in the Minneapolis Journal in 1901. As far as I am aware it has not been republished since then.


The Famous Detective Said to be Investigating the Cascarine Affair.

Society is Excited and Mr Googelheimer Fainted.

Society is excited, ''the 400" are much stirred up and put out, and Mr. Googleheimer claims he won't have it, "don't cher know." Nevertheless, Sherlock
Holmes arrived and will investigate.

Googleheimer claims that Holmes will never come out of the investigation alive. Charley always was a dangerous man, "don't cher know," but Sherlock knows his "bizz."

Miss Cascarine, as every one will remember, caused considerable excitement several months ago. She arrived in town and posed as a French countess. Googleheimer met her at the ball and promptly fell in love. Miss Cascarine realizing that she had a good thing, led "Googleboy" to think that she was dead in love with him.

One cool evening when the moon went down behind the Wabash, shedding its silver rays on Googleheimer and the Countess, he proposed to her. No one knows whether she accepted or not, but every one does know that after that night Googleheimer became a different man.

In the first place his face, which was always covered with pimples, became as fair as any woman's; his breath, which was always offensive, became as sweet as the incense of a fresh budded rose; he became lively and complained no more of his kidney trouble, which he had suffered with for years. Oh! Googleheimer changed mightily, I tell you, and why he changed is a mystery which no one knows and which Sherlock Holmes is investigating.

Sherlock Holmes investigated the matter, and after weighing all facts carefully, decided that Googleheimer's secret should be made known to every man, woman and child in the world.

"In the first place," said Sherlock, with a faint smile of satisfaction on his severe features, "Googleheimer became a new man, a changed man, a man of life and vigor, by using Cascarine, the great remedy which Miss Cascarine advised him to use. After investigating his case thoroughly I find Cascarine cured him absolutely and I recommend it to everyone."

Cascarine cures absolutely all diseases of the bowels, liver, kidneys and stomach. It is a gentle laxative of great merit. It will not gripe any one and is recommended and prescribed by many physicians who know its worth.

Avoid taking pills or tablets. They will injure your stomach and make you sick. Take Cascarine, the only reliable and safe laxative tonic. Best for mothers, fathers and children.

Price per bottle, 50 cents. If your druggist hasn't it, ask him to get it for you of his jobber.

The manufacturers of Cascarine will send absolutely free a valuable book on diseases of the stomach, liver, bowels and kidneys to any address.

Address Rea Bros. & Co., Minneapolis, Louisville and New York.

If you are suffering with Piles, buy Red Cross Pile Cure. It cures every case. At all druggists or sent direct for $1.

The Minneapolis Journal, 2 March, 1901

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